This work really confirms my view that children’s bodies will ‘keep the score’ of their experiences and worries and dance/movement therapy is an expressive, playful and creative way of children having sensory experiences which will enable them to self-regulate and to reduce stress and anxieties. - Norfolk County Council
Since doing DMT sessions...For the first time, we've seen him jumping with excitement, flap his arms, run round in circles for the fun of feeling dizzy, sing to himself as he potters about, chase about with friends, run ahead when we go for a walk. It's like he's found a whole new box of skills, and is excited to use them! - Parent feedback from group DMP.
I like building dens and the jumping. I feel happy when I come. It helps me feel more confident. - Feedback from client from group DMP
It is fun! I feel excited and happy, really, really, very happy - Feedback from clients from group DMP
You have helped my daughter so much, I feel like I have my daughter back and I can't thank you enough!!! - Parent feedback after 121 sessions
I don't want to fight anyone anymore! - Feedback from 121 child client
I leave this class feeling like a care bear! I could jump so high, I feel great! - Participants of Breathe Dance
Thank you so much for an empowering dance movement therapy session, I can't put into words how positively dance has switched something in my way of thinking. I feel lighter in my mind and body.
Adult feedback after group DMP workshop
Katy's Breathe, dance for wellbeing classes have instilled so much magic into my life... she is able to create a safe and supportive atmosphere where everybody is invited to take space. It is like stepping under a magic shower of soothing energy and letting one's body do the healing, feeling closer to oneself and more grounded into the world afterwards.
Participant of Breathe Dance.
Since doing the Dance Movement Therapy group I am able to take up more space with my body, to feel more connected to and more compassionate towards my body. I am more centered and expressive. I loved all the different things we explored.
Adult client from group therapy